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Número do anúncio 2022743
Data do anúncio 14 Julho 2020
Status Zero

It is used for the immobilization of the body where the additional reinforcement is needed. It prevents the tortions in joints, helps to fix the mobile areas. Maintains safely the fixation of supportive supplies of the sportsmen.

5 color and 2 offers different packaging alternatives.

Item NoDimensionsQuantity in one carton (pcs)Gross Weight of Carton (kg)Carton Volume (m3)
23210m x 3.8cm72 Adet6.5 kg0.022
232H10m x 3.8cm/14m x 3.8cm6 kutu16.1 kg0.041
379 vezes visualizado.

Cansin médico

Data de cadastro:
13 Julho 2020, 19:20

Antonio Alves

Data de inscrição: 11 Abril 2020

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Anunciante: Antonio Alves (Cansin médico)
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